Hormone Doctor in Scottsdale, AZ

Our Wellness Programs Help You Wake Up Feeling Younger and Ready To Take On The Day

Have Energy All Day

Balance Hormones

Smaller Pants Fit Great

How Much is Taking Medication That Doesn’t Work to Balance Hormones Costing You?

We Believe You Should have Vitality As You Age

Peak Lifestyle Program

When you master the 7 pillars of health you’ll wake up feeling younger and ready to take on the day. We start with ordering the right tests to create your custom wellness program and balance your hormones.

Anti-Aging Aesthetics

We Arizonians love being outside! help you to look fresh and revitalized.


This is one of the 7 Peak Lifestyle Pillars. You’ll discover the right nutrition plan that works for you, improve your GI health, and eliminate inflammation.

3 Steps to Becoming An Energetic Person

1. Watch the 17 Minute Webinar

In this short webinar, you’ll learn what will make your wellness routine work and get to know what it’s like to work with me, Dr. Alejandro and then let's set up that 1-on-1 consultation.

2. Join the Peak Lifestyle Program

During one of our coaching programs, you’ll get; 1-on-1 support, an online learning portal, and discover which tests to take so that you have the right nutritional support to get more energy naturally.

3. Have the Energy For a Fun Active Life

When you lose weight and get a great night's sleep on a regular basis you’ll want to say yes to more invitations from friends.

“My wife and I have been trying to lose some weight for a decade with no good result. We don’t have a huge weight problem but would like to make about 25 pounds go away (each.) In eight weeks we are each down almost 20 and it’s been painless.”
– Michael B.

What is different?

A lot of people wake up exhausted and don’t know why. Dr. Angelina Alejandro has designed the 7 Peak Lifestyle Program to balance your hormones so that you wake up feeling younger and ready to take on the day.

She knows what it feels like to feel frustrated and not be able to do the hobbies you love.

If you’re like us, you’ve taken medication to balance hormones but are still tired. You’ve likely wondered if there was a way to get more energy that helped you be more active. We know you want to become energetic like when you are in your thirties, and it’s wrong that most people wake up feeling exhausted.

Dr. Angelina Alejandro understands! 

We know what it’s like to feel exhausted after 8 hours of sleep. For the past 6 years, we’ve helped hundreds of people just like you overcome balancing hormones holistically and experience confidence when you look in the mirror.

Dr. Angelina Alejandro is a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor. She graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. Her undergraduate degree is from the University of Arizona where she received a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture – specifically Dietetics. She spent many years in the food service industry and her love of natural medicine is where her passion lies. She is one of the leading hormone doctor in Scottsdale, AZ.

Angelina is a native to Arizona, born and raised in Mesa. Her experience as a phlebotomist, IV administrator, and European Biological Medicine before attending Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine is where she acquired her inspiration in holistic care. It was then she realized that there was a way to get people better without hurting them. Even though Dr. Angelina Alejandro can prescribe prescription medication, her knowledge of plants and food as medicine gives her the ability to combat many things such as fatigue, stress and pain. She is dedicated to hormone replacement therapy, allergies, gastrointestinal health, detoxification, weight loss, environmental health, pain management and chronic disease.

As a hormone doctor in Scottsdale, Dr. Alejandro is committed to helping you age gracefully so you can stop feeling frustrated. The process is simple – watch the 17-minute webinar, join the Peak Lifestyle Program, and have the energy for a fun active life. Once you watch the webinar, you’ll have taken the first step to feel hopeful about your future.

We believe you should have vitality as you age and you deserve to have smaller pants fit perfectly. We help you get a good night’s rest so that you can be more energetic to say yes to having more fun with your friends.

Watch the webinar so we can get started.

Hormone Doctor in Scottsdale, AZ

As the Leading Hormone Doctor in Scottsdale, I’ve Helped Hundreds of People Balance Their Hormones

Chris C.
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"I've currently lost 25 pounds in 8 weeks, my strength and stamina have improved. Having had several operations on shoulder and hip I had experienced pain while lifting and walking. The program has improved my mobility to a point where I'm now able to incorporate fitness into my lifestyle. Lifestyle is what this program will do for you."
Diane S.
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"This program is wonderful and if you dont know a lot about nutrition, this is like the best opportunity to learn. I lost 50 pounds during my initial program. I give the credit to the individual meetings I would have with Dr. A. I am now learning how to keep it off and also how to further my weight loss. Dr. A is very knowledgeable and caring. I would highly recommend this program. The cost is worth it as it can truly improve your life."
Roseanne E.
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"I redefined my goals to be healthy, feel good and energetic, and stopped worrying about the number on the scale. Dr. A is so knowledgeable and caring, very easy to talk to, and she provides great explanations about my problem areas with doable solutions. I now go to her for the maintenance program and will continue to do so. For those who say this is expensive, I say investing in your good health is worth it!"
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