Peak Lifestyle Program

How to Get Rid of Taking Medications to Balance Hormones That Don’t Work

If you suffer from feeling tired most of the day.
If you need to buy a bigger pant size.
If you feel frustrated.

Then this message is just for you.

Here’s why.

When you balance your hormones, you’ll wake up feeling younger and ready to take on the day. Our lifestyle program will help!

Peak Lifestyle Program

And you need to realize there is a cost to not dealing with this.

If You Ignore It, It Just Gets Worse.

What most people do when facing hormone imbalance is:

But for most people, none of that works.

Taking more medications leads to:

Waking Up Exhausted

Weight Gain

Brain Fog

And what happens if you just do nothing? If you just keep doing what you’ve been doing?

The mirror will show you are aging quicker.
Join the Peak Lifestyle Program today!

How We Achieved Balancing Hormones

We’ve got an answer that works. Here’s the story of our lifestyle program:

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The Peak Lifestyle Program Worked For These People And It Will Work For You

Here’s what it did for me.

Hi I’m Dr. Alejandro...

Dr. Angelina Alejandro is a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor. She graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. Her undergraduate degree is from the University of Arizona where she received a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture – specifically Dietetics. She spent many years in the food service industry and her love of natural medicine is where her passion lies.

Angelina is a native to Arizona, born and raised in Mesa. Her experience as a phlebotomist, IV administrator, and European Biological Medicine before attending Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine is where she acquired her inspiration in holistic care.

It was then she realized that there was a way to get people better without hurting them. Even though Dr. Angelina Alejandro can prescribe prescription medication, her knowledge of plants and food as medicine gives her the ability to combat many things such as fatigue, stress and pain.

She is dedicated to hormone replacement therapy, allergies, gastrointestinal health, detoxification, weight loss, environmental health, pain management and chronic disease.

And it’s not just me.

Kristin F.
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"Dr. Alejandro and her team turned my health around in a few short weeks with her lifestyle program. I was getting desperate and my PCP just kept prescribing more medication for my symptoms and not getting to the root of the problem. I am already enjoying the benefits of a healthier body, weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. They have taught me a lot about my body and my health. They really care about getting results and have helped me more than anyone else."
Don S.
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"Dr. Alejandro's knowledge and lifestyle programs have made a huge difference. I came to Dr. A because my sugar numbers had moved into the pre-diabetes range and I was well overweight. I completed her detox program in the first 30 days losing 30 pounds in the process. In the 60 days since following her program, I have lost 30 more pounds. I no longer have back problems, arthritis in my joints has subsided, and most importantly, my sugar numbers are significantly below the pre-diabetes threshold. I will stick to the program and am confident I will continue to lose weight and improve my health."
Mark D.
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"For over 10 years, I have struggled with extreme fatigue and weight gain. After trying standard medicine, then other naturopathic practices for years, in desperation, and through tears, we agreed to pay the steep fee. Well, help she did!!! I couldn't be healthier!! While it did take a few months and several adjustments, she never gave up and always had a new plan. Within 6 months, I was FINALLY on a full road to recovery and have completely restored my energies!! All previous doctors were unsuccessful! I have full confidence in her abilities and knowledge and am so grateful."

Finally, It’s Your Turn

When you get the Peak Lifestyle Program, you’ll get the key to:

Have Energy All Day

Balance Hormones

Smaller Pants Fit Great

It all comes as part of Peak Lifestyle Program:

One of our lifestyle programs of 1-on-1 coaching with me Dr. Alejandro. We will figure out which tests to identify the root cause of your exhaustion.

Access the Online learning portal to master the 7 Peaks with Guidance on:

3 Steps to Becoming An Energetic Person

1. Watch the 17 Minute Webinar

In this short webinar, you’ll learn what will make your wellness routine work and get to know what it’s like to work with me, Dr. Alejandro and then let's set up that 1-on-1 consultation.

2. Join the Peak Lifestyle Program

During one of our coaching programs, you’ll get; 1-on-1 support, an online learning portal, and discover which tests to take so that you have the right nutritional support to get more energy naturally.

3. Have the Energy For a Fun Active Life

When you lose weight and get a great night's sleep on a regular basis you’ll want to say yes to more invitations from friends.