
Want to see the power of peak lifestyle? Watch these inspiring transformational videos and see how our program can change your life. Sign up today!
Steve G
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"DR A is amazing! At first I was skeptical but very quickly into the detox diet I was feeling better right away. Rather than deprivation or feeling hungry the diet was very satisfying and really helped resolve some underlying symptoms. After the detox Dr A took great care to help me address remaining symptoms and through additional supplementation I am now feeling great, have lost weight, eat healthy and feel satisfied every day!!"
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"Better than a Monthly Detox"
I was curious about detoxing, so bought a groupon online for a lemongrass massage and detox session. It was great and I felt great, but it was only a temporary fix for a few days, then back to the bloating, low energy, and anxiety I had been experiencing. I needed a better solution than a temporary fix.
I found Dr. Alejandro and she was offering a lifestyle change. I began the program and feel fabulous! Wow, NO MORE BLOATING, massive amounts of energy, and my pants fit perfectly. Thanks.
Susan M.
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"I'm feeling great after working with Dr. A. after only a few months I feel better than I have in the last couple of years."
I came to Dr. A after feeling tired, distressed, and out of sorts, for months. 'She was my last hope when other Dr.s didn't know what was wrong at several tests. She did several tests and determined what were my primary issues. She address them with a comprehensive cleansing program. For the first 2 weeks I felt badly, she stayed with me and finally I began to improve. Thank God I stuck with the program, because now I feel like a new woman. Thank you Dr. A and your staff.
Jennifer C.
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"Back on the road again!"
I had tried all of my own supplements and nothing was quite working! Finding one program that lead me in the right direction has solved most of the issues I had going on!
Sleeping better, hormonal balance and eliminating irritation in my system has allowed me to have more energy to get back to normal and better!!
I have learned more about how food intake drives our brain output and energy level. A whole new way of living was created by doing the 28 day cleanse!
Jemma K.
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"An enlightening experiencing!"
I am 81 years old and I was feeling lousy. Dragging around, no energy and belly fat. I had poor posture and feeling defeated and didn't know if I wanted to live or pass on. I was unhappy with my life. Then I met Dr. Alejandro and was very impressed with her talk and signed up for her program. Now I have more energy and I am very busy with an active lifestyle. My posture is straighter, belly fat is gone and I am moving around better and very hopeful. Thank you Dr. Alejandro! I now want to live!
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"She really listens to your needs and makes sure to get down to the bottom of your problems."
Very comfortable experience and I felt like I could trust her advice.
Tony C.
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"The new me"
When I started the program I was here to support of my wife. I listened and began to understand what I had been doing wrong my whole life.
I am now more energetic and stronger than I have been in years. A great program I would recommend to anyone who wants to feel better and get their life back.
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"Great program!"
Was able to lose some weight, but overall feel better and sleep better.
Catherine M.
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I’ve been seeing Dr. Alejandro for a year for hormone issues. I’m 71 years young. We’ve been resolving my BIH & thyroid and the related issues. Doc A is most knowledgeable, helpful & flexible. She listens well & responds. I especially enjoy her positive attitude & the fact that she will readily discuss ay concerns I present.
Reta M.
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"What a Wake-up Call!"
I wasn't sure what to expect in Dr. A's program, but it was well worth it. Dr. A made me aware of so many health issues, not just with her knowledge but with the wide array of classes that are part of her program. Definitely time well spent!
D. S.
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"Changing my life for the better"
I love science and Dr. A is fabulous on explaining the how and why! Always love learning from her!
Diane W.
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"Excellent experience in every aspect of the program."
Started out in a state of exhaustion mentally and physically plus extra fat around the mid-section. The detox was a challenge to usual eating habits but was such a blessing from a fat/weight loss and nutrition improvement standpoint. The benefits and sense of wellbeing continue to the present.
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"Caring and thoughtful"
My sister (Malek) has been under the care of Dr. A for a few months. She has made much progress despite being in very unusual environment. Malek understands the personal attention she is receiving. She appreciates Dr. A. My wife Nazilla and I are also grateful to Dr. A and Julie. We say Thank You.
Jessica L.
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"What an incredible experience"
I have suffered from digestive upset for most of my life and wasn't finding much help from conventional medicine. Dr. A gave me the tools to completely change my life. I no longer suffer from horrible acid reflux, sleep deprivation, lack of energy, sugar addiction (a big one) and I feel like my mind is clearer than ever and I have more than enough energy to get through my day!
Christina W.
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"Dr. A taught me how important hormone balance is!"
I was having mood swings, heavy periods, depression and chronic eczema when I came in to see Dr. A. She ran the labs on me and found out my progesterone levels were super low, and I was estrogen dominant. Once getting on the progesterone creme, adrenal support for my energy levels, and the correct probiotics and yeast treatment for my eczema I'm like a new person! I can't thank her enough (and neither can my boyfriend for fixing my mood swings ha) for giving me my energy and happiness back.
Sherrie C.
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"You gave me a new lease on life!!"
I was on 12 medications when I came to Dr. Alejandro and 3 were diabetic, with my next step being insulin. A1c was 8.5 within 3 months it was reduced to 7.3 and I am now off all medications. My LDL went from 149 to 133. My triglycerides from 205 to 162 and cholesterol went 244 to 211. Glucose was 162 and is now 125. I was obese and now BMI 29.8. At my 60th birthday party everyone told me I didn't look a day over 40. This transformation is allowing to travel to China, Paris & Amsterdam.
Wendy S.
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"A wonderful healing practitioner"
Dr Alejandro is a very caring individual and her staff is wonderful to work with.
When I first started, I was out of balance with my hormones and my moods. Along with a good diet and exercise program, Dr A was able to do blood work, look at the results, TALK TO ME ABOUT HOW I FELT and do what was necessary for my best health. I feel wonderful and am still working on what she suggests to ensure the best.
I would recommend her and her staff highly.
Rita W.
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"Saved my life! What a blessing!"
At first felt I couldn't afford it, but she made a way for that to be possible. And the beat goes on!! Dr. A was my salvation for healing. I and love her dearly. I have met many nice people, especially office who kept me on track with my appointments. I feel excellent and excited to go on with my life.
Karen G.
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I’ve been seeing Dr. Alejandro for a year for hormone issues. I’m 71 years young. We’ve been resolving my BIH & thyroid and the related issues. Doc A is most knowledgeable, helpful & flexible. She listens well & responds. I especially enjoy her positive attitude & the fact that she will readily discuss ay concerns I present.
M. K.
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I had been struggling with an uncomfortable amount of belly fat, poor sleep, brain fog and general lethargy for at least 2 years. Saw Dr. Alejandro's advertisement and went to the informational night. She is delightful and extremely knowledgeable about health. It is not the easiest program in the world, but it definitely worked for me. After three months, I am down over 25 pounds, sleeping through the night, and I can wear clothes that I couldn't wear before because my belly is much smaller!
Steve S.
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I am 62 years old and have been an athlete most of my life. I try to get to the gym 4-5 days a week. About 2.5 yrs ago I had pain developing in my left shoulder joint and I curtailed weight lifting. Then I had a fall on the shoulder which aggravated the pain and reduced mobility of my arm/shoulder. The treatment offered….CORTISONE INJECTIONS. I searched for alternative treatment and with Dr. Alejandro’s advice began "Prolotherapy" which is a treatment consisting of multiple injections in my shoulder. The injections consist of naturopathic healing components and cushioning fluids. I had a series of this treatment over several months. Then I began to notice…NO PAIN!!! I am ecstatic as now I am back in the gym with light weights and I can GOLF again. I am so happy that I did not go with the steroids (Cortisone). Thank you so much for healing me!
Mario A.
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Dr. A has been great to work with. The 28 day detox was easy to follow. Our experience has helped up to be able improve our health and eat healthier.
Wendy M.
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I am so excited I found Dr A. I have never felt better, I'm at a healthy weight, I have energy again and the best part other people are noticing. She's very knowledgeable in her area and has been very helpful in getting my body and mind balanced again. Thank you so much.
Brenda G.
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After struggling for years with digestive issues Dr. Alejandro has helped to identify many issues and set me on the path to feeling better. I have less digestive issues and much more energy.
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Dr. A has literally changed my life. I finally feel like myself again. It is amazing how much you can change with just diet and natural supplements. I was so close to given up and accepting this is how I would be the rest of my life and I now feel 10 years younger, I have lost 20 pounds, I am happy and have the energy to play with my daughter. I highly recommend Dr. A you are worth it and it is possible!!
Olga D.
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I've seen improvements and have learned a lot about my overall health. Dr. Alejandro is such a wonderful person and has helped me so much. She really cares about her patients and is always there for me.
Dawn L.
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I started seeing Dr. A because of mental decline. I started to worry that I was developing Alzheimer's. The stress in my life was like a roller coaster and my energy was at an all time low. In fact, I didn't realize just how bad I felt until I was 8 days into the program when I woke up with excitement and energy I hadn't felt in years! My appearance improved, too. Dr. A revamped my entire life!
Liz L.
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"Core Optimal Solutions has changed my life!" Dr. Alejandro have been delightful and very direct which provides an avenue to make progress and teaches a purpose for the patient.
S. P.
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"It is great!"
Great experience, Dr. A is amazing, very good at what she does. I feel 100% better.
L. T.
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"I was at the end of my rope"
When I first came to Dr. A I was in a flare from my medical conditions (I have several). The pain had me in tears and I was very depressed. After being treated for several months, the pain is much better, I'm functioning much better just on an everyday basis. My depression is much better. If you have any ongoing medical issues, give her a try. I did, and I couldn't be more grateful.
Thank you Dr. A!
L. Q.
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"Sleeping in Scottsdale"
Just finished 28-day detox & feeling amazing! Sleeping through the night, energy is up drastically & really seeing results.
Nate P.
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"This Works!"
I was anxious to learn to eat better, know what is good for me, and what to stay away from. We (my wife and I did this together-HIGHLY recommended), really enjoyed this journey and education together.
I felt incredible after detox and am anxious to incorporate my supplements in with better eating habits.
I highly recommend Dr. A and this program.
Debra G.
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I couldn’t lose weight and was very conscious of my belly fat because I looked like I was pregnant all the time. I know I was out of balance and when my husband, daughter and I saw the flyer about hormones and belly fat we all 3 thought about changing the way we were living. I lost 21 pounds within the first 3 months. Totally better energy from having low energy due to low iron, so I would walk around winded and would get back to the car hugging and puffing. I thought it was my weight but really I was low in oxygen! Now, I’m just ready to go! I wake up and I’m up, whereas before I was sluggish getting up in the morning.My daughter looked at me after we all went through transformation and asked how did we let ourselves get so bad? In the past, if we were rushed we may go through McDonald’s but now we stop at Mad Greens and get a smoothie or salad quickly that is good for us. We no longer desire to go back to where we were because eating pasta and breads were not good for any of us. I recommend the program with Dr. Alejandro to anyone!
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"Excellent experience"
My husband and I are satisfied patients of Dr. Alejandro. We have both benefited from the detox and learned a lot from Dr. Alejandro and her staff. We both feel and look better since doing the Wellness Program with COHS.
Danny D.
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"Great listener who genuinely takes interest and care in patient"
Dr Alejandro is Conscientious and thorough looking at all aspects of patient wellbeing and not shy about recommending other therapies outside her practice. Will continue to work with her for my overall health.
Lori F.
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"Great Experience"
I'm really relieved that I am finding solutions! everyone in the office is really friendly. Dr. Alejandro is very knowledgeable and easy to talk to.
Deborah G.
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"Great Experience"
My husband and I joined this program to enjoy better health and to get off of medications. We found the natural way works better than we expected. We are feeling much better and improved our lives. Doctor A is a joy to work with and she is a top-notch care provider.
Sophie L.
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"Excellent Program"
Previously had poor eating habits and with this program I have learned to eat much better. The program gave me the education to shop healthier. Before starting I was tired, however, now I have more energy. I feel my body is lighter and not bloating. I have lost 10 lbs. and increased muscle mass. Prior to starting program, I was depressed and this program my depression has improved. I am healthier with this program and am improving my longevity. I would recommend this program for EVERYONE!
Judy H.
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"Easy Program to Incorporate into my life"
Before the program it was hard for me to do things, didn't want to do things. Clothes shopping was a chore. After the program I can do many things I enjoy like hiking, kayaking, and shopping. I lost 35 lbs. and I feel like I can keep it off. The financial commitment to the program, kept me going. It is 10 months for me and I have made a change in my lifestyle.
Chris C.
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"Fantastic Experience"
An experience I never thought possible. Weight loss 50lb so far, energy through the roof. Support and education like nothing before. How to shop and what to eat. The what and why is explained. Fitness support. understanding how and why. The access to Dr. "A" is like I've never experienced with any Dr. My cardiologist, urologist and neurologist have been amazed and have encouraged me to continue this wellness program. I wish I had started this program 20 years ago.
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"Great results"
Great program. Didn't realize how bad I felt until I felt better. Lost 40 lbs. Have more energy. Would recommend to everyone. Dr. A is very knowledgeable and passionate.
Rick M.
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Dr. Alejandro changed my life! I suffered from chronic ankle pain off and on for nearly 2 years. Having a job that required me to be on my feet for 10 hours at a time, you could imagine I was miserable. Dr. A did what my other Doctors could not, eliminate the pain! I highly recommend Dr. Alejandro!
Karen B.
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Dr. Alejandro transformed my health! I’ve lost 30 pounds and feel wonderful! I was in a downward spiral for 18 years after being diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The weight just kept creeping up until I was borderline obese with a 40lb weight gain. Everything I tried with exercise and even a paleo diet only worked so much. I could only lose 5-10 pounds and it was always a struggle. My metabolism and hormones were out of control.I finally made an appointment to see Dr. Alejandro and what a life/health changing experience it has been! Dr. Alejandro did extensive blood work confirming I was lacking in vitamins and nutrients, my hormone levels were non existent, and I was at high risk for other diseases that needed to be addressed immediately. Dr. A put on a regiment of supplement to specifically address my diet and immune system. She also prescribed a natural thyroid medication and hormone treatment that has made a significant impact. It’s been just over a year and I feel great! My laboratory results show that I am no longer at high risk. My health management plan is working! Thank you Dr. Alejandro!
Debbie W.
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I had no energy, sad and stuck. That’s why I had some bad lifestyle habits. Felt like I was at my end and got a call to go to a seminar with my aunt and met Dr. Alejandro, who helped me change my life. I was in a rut but now, I feel great! I realize now that I was in a depression and I didn’t want to get out of my chair and took a toll on marriage and everything. Now my husband and I are great, he’s lost 26 pounds and for the first time he was motivated to stay on this because he saw results. I have lost 20 pounds. I sleep better, have better energy, don’t feel blue and overall feel good. I didn’t realize what state I was in until I came out of it because I just got used to the norm.
Steve S.
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Had sleep issues, tired all the time, diverticulosis and then had diverticulitis and was told to have surgery. I thought there was a better way then having my colon cut open. I am eating healthier than in my entire life. Eat lots of salads, berries and veggies daily. Now I get to sleep and my energy is 80% most of the time. Thank you Core Optimal Health Solutions!
Judy H.
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I had constipation for decades and then had regular bowel movements after I stared the program with Dr. Angelina Alejandro. The program not only helped me to get my bowels moving properly but also my energy improved! I was able to hike without shortness of breath and I lost 20 pounds of weight and my belly fat!
Janice M.
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Lost 25 pounds, eating differently, healthier, gluten free. It wasn’t easy but certainly worthwhile! Changed my life!