Almost half of the 2,000 women surveyed between the ages of 30 and 60 had a hormonal imbalance. How is hormone balancing important to your health and well-being?
Oftentimes, people don’t even realize that some of the symptoms they are experiencing are due to a hormonal imbalance and can go years without help. Many women specifically deal with debilitating side effects that are easily corrected through wellness programs and simple lifestyle changes.
Keep reading on and watch the video below to learn more about the signs of a hormone imbalance and how to help correct it.
Hormone Imbalances
How do you even recognize if you have a hormone balance in the first place? Many women can identify obvious causes of hormone imbalances, such as weight gain, irregular periods, or hot flashes. Yet, there is a myriad of other symptoms that go unrecognized including brain fog.
Yep – even your memory and cognition are affected by hormones.
A hormone imbalance happens whenever you have too little of a hormone in your body – or even when you have too much. At its core, hormones help with a variety of important functions in your body.
Hormones help regulate your sleep, metabolism, sexual function, mood, and even appetite. Women can also have specific dysfunctions in their estrogen and progesterone levels. Other symptoms of a hormone imbalance can include: fatigue, bloating, breast tenderness, and anxiety.
Hormones are meant to change and fluctuate based on how much you sleep, what you eat, and even as you age. A hormone imbalance becomes more critical when the problem lies in how the gland functions.
These glands are called endocrine glands – they are found in the brain and throughout the body. Ultimately, these are responsible for regulating how much hormone is produced and excreted in the body.
Many conditions or tumors can affect certain endocrine glands which will impact your hormones. There are also other causes of a dysfunctioning endocrine such as chronic stress, poor dieting, allergies, and chemotherapy.
Why Are Women at Risk?
Women increase their risk of hormonal imbalances because of a few key stages that they go through in life where their hormones are changing. These stages can include your menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause.
Additionally, if you deal with conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, cancer, or early menopause then you could be at further risk of a hormonal imbalance.
Along with the comprehensive list of symptoms above – women can experience vaginal dryness, acne, and increased hair growth.
Hormone Balancing
How do you recognize what hormone is responsible for your symptoms? The list of hormones and what they impact are too vast to address all of them. It is important that if you are suffering from debilitating symptoms that you contact a reliable and trusted clinician who specializes in hormone balancing.
Cortisol is responsible for a lot of adverse symptoms. Cortisol can become elevated when you are chronically stressed and don’t exercise frequently enough.
Low progesterone levels contribute to poor sleep quality or insomnia. Estrogen often dips during menopause and can lead to hot flashes and night sweats. These symptoms – along with others – can also make it hard to sleep.
Additionally, estrogen may be responsible for what many women consider “brain fog.” Lots of women who are in the postmenopause or perimenopause stage complain of higher rates of depression and brain fog.
The two main female hormones – estrogen and progesterone – are surprisingly highly important for your gut health. If you have ever experienced a period before, you have likely noticed changes in gut health such as bloating or cramping.
These symptoms are caused by fluctuations within estrogen and progesterone levels but can lead to further issues if greater, chronic imbalances are noted. Higher levels of androgens in females lead to persistent acne and can increase your risk of developing diabetes.
One of the biggest complaints that women have is fatigue. Many think they just need more sleep or better quality – however, is it the work of an endocrine gland not functioning properly?
Thyroid disorders and low levels of their hormones lead to chronic fatigue. A quick blood test can confirm where your thyroid levels are at.
Testosterone and Women
Normally, you wouldn’t think to combine testosterone and women into one sentence. When you are asking yourself how to balance hormones, your mind probably doesn’t shift to low testosterone levels.
Yet, testosterone still plays a role in female hormonal balancing. Signs of lower testosterone levels in females include low sex drive. This is more commonly seen in postmenopausal women and added supplements of testosterone were found to improve their libido.
There are some simple tools you can use to help with your hormonal levels. These include adjusting your diet to include plenty of fiber and healthy fats. You should avoid processed or sugary food and shoot for exercising most days of the week if you can.
Even shorter durations of exercise can regulate insulin and other important hormones. Sleep is also important – this means setting a routine and trying to stick with it. Also, avoid using too much of your phone at night as that can result in impaired sleep.
Green tea can improve your metabolism and manage insulin levels. It is also loaded with antioxidants to boost your immune system.
Finally, some studies have shown that too much dairy can harm reproductive hormones. If you are concerned about this, make sure you talk with a reliable practitioner.
Stay Balanced
Hormone balancing is critical to staying healthy and improving your well-being. If you are struggling with balancing your hormones on your own, you need the help and assistance of trained professionals.
Don’t wait any longer.
Contact us today and receive guided support and recommendations for managing your hormone levels. You’ll be back on your feet and feeling your best in no time!