Are you struggling with aches, pains, swelling, or redness? There’s a chance you’re struggling with chronic inflammation. These signs of inflammation could increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other serious conditions.
In fact, the WHO says chronic diseases as the greatest threat to human health. The prevalence of these conditions could increase over the next 30 years. At least 60% of Americans already have one chronic condition.
Three in every five people worldwide die due to chronic inflammatory diseases, too.
Before inflammation can impact your health, use these tips to reduce inflammation. With these tips, you can improve your overall health and longevity. Chronic inflammation doesn’t have to lead to a serious condition.
Instead, take control with these tips on how to reduce inflammation today.
1. Cut Certain Foods Out
First, it helps to determine what’s causing your chronic inflammation. For example, certain lifestyle factors, like your diet, can have an impact.
Consuming large quantities of high-fructose corn syrup and sugar can cause inflammation. It can also lead to obesity, diabetes, and insulin resistance. Refined carbs like white bread can contribute to these health concerns, too.
Eating packaged and processed foods that contain trans fats can also promote inflammation. These foods could damage the endothelial cells that line your arteries as well.
Otherwise, consider the oils that are in your foods. Many processed foods contain vegetable oils. Vegetable oils can cause an imbalance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which could promote inflammation as well.
Excessive consumption of processed meats and alcohol could have inflammatory effects.
If you want to reduce inflammation within your body, start tossing out foods that might have a negative impact on your health. These include:
- Certain oils (processed seed and vegetable oils)
- Transfats (including foods with partially hydrogenated ingredients)
- Alcohol
- Processed snacks (pretzels, crackers, chips, etc.)
- Desserts (cookies, cake, candy, ice cream, etc.)
- Sugary beverages (including fruit juice and soda)
- Refined carbs (white pasta, white bread, etc.)
- Processed meats (bologna, sausage, hot dogs, etc.)
Instead, schedule a consultation appointment with your doctor or a dietitian. They can help you develop a food plan that can help with reducing inflammation.
2. Choose Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Once you take these harmful foods out of your diet, consider replacing them with anti-inflammatory foods. Here are a few foods that can help you learn how to reduce inflammation.
Fatty Fish
Fatty fish like salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Other sources of omega-3 fatty acids include sardines, herring, and anchovies.
These fatty acids can reduce inflammation that might otherwise lead to:
- Metabolic syndrome
- Heart disease
- Kidney disease
- Diabetes
The body can metabolize fatty acids into protectins and resolvins. These compounds have anti-inflammatory effects.
Berries are packed with minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Consider adding blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries to your diet. These fruits contain antioxidants called anthocyanins.
Anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory effects. They could help reduce your risk of chronic diseases.
Your body produces natural killer (NK) cells that ensure your immune system functions properly. Eating berries could increase NK cells.
Consider learning how to reduce inflammation by adding salads to your diet. Add avocadoes, which are rich in carotenoids and tocopherols. These compounds could reduce your risk of cancer.
In fact, avocados could reduce levels of inflammatory markers IL-6 and NF-kB.
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower are cruciferous vegetables. These vegetables are high in antioxidants, which could offer anti-inflammatory effects. In fact, eating cruciferous vegetables could reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer.
Broccoli also contains sulforaphane. This antioxidant could also help ease inflammation.
Bell and chili peppers are loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C. They also contain quercetin, an antioxidant that could help patients with sarcoidosis.
Chili peppers also contain ferulic and sinapic acid. These compounds could fight signs of inflammation, too.
Dark Chocolate
Searching for something sweet? Reach for dark chocolate next time your sweet tooth kicks in.
Dark chocolate and cocoa contain antioxidants that could also help with reducing inflammation. They could reduce inflammatory markers and lead to healthier aging.
3. Explore Supplements
If you can’t get enough vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from your diet, consider turning to supplements instead.
For example, turmeric contains curcumin. It could decrease inflammation for patients with:
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Inflammatory bowel disease
If you need more omega-3 fatty acids, consider taking fish oils. Remember, fatty fish contain DHA and EPA, which could ease inflammation.
Otherwise, try ginger. Ginger contains gingerol and zingerone. These components could reduce inflammation while treating indigestion and nausea.
Other supplements that might help with reducing inflammation include:
- Resveratrol
- Spirulina
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Bromelain
- Green tea extract
Make sure to talk to your doctor before adding supplements to your daily routine. Otherwise, some supplements can interact with medications you’re already taking.
4. Exercise Regularly
In some cases, it’s not enough to adjust your diet to learn how to reduce inflammation. Consider your daily routine, too. Are you getting enough exercise?
Losing weight and increasing daily physical activity could help you ease chronic inflammation. Try different forms of activity, such as yoga and high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
Exercising each day could help lower multiple proinflammatory cytokines and molecules.
5. Get Enough Sleep
If you want to learn how to reduce inflammation, make sure you’re getting enough sleep each night, too. Sleep loss could increase inflammation.
Specific cytokines help you sleep. They also give your immune system the necessary efficiency to defend your body from illnesses.
Without sleep, your immune system can’t build up its forces.
Instead, make sure to go to bed at the same time each night. Get up at the same time each morning, too. Maintaining a healthy routine can improve your circadian rhythm and help you sleep.
Otherwise, visit a doctor to determine if you have a sleep disorder.
Feel Healthy and Happy: 5 Tips to Help Reduce Inflammation
Don’t let chronic inflammation impact your future. Instead, use these tips to learn how to reduce inflammation this year. With these tips, you can take control of your health again.
You don’t have to battle chronic inflammation alone, either. We can help.
Contact us today to discover how to restore function to your entire system. We can’t wait to see you.