Auto Immune System Attack!

I found a great explanation of the way your immune system can be attacked, written by Dr. Kharrazian.  I wanted to share it with you all: Let’s say you are a house. Like a house you have barriers that protect you from the outside world, the way windows, walls, a roof and doors protect the […]

Stress, Hormones, & Belly FAT

It’s gut-wrenching for me to see a new patient walk into my wellness center who is too far gone for me to help them reverse their pain and ravaged health. Sadly, they’ve allowed too much damage to take place for too long. Oh, yes, I can almost always make them more comfortable without some drug-store […]

IODINE: Throwing Gasoline onto a Fire:

Iodine is a hot supplement these days. Many people and practitioners have come to value iodine’s therapeutic potential, especially for breast and uterine fibroids. Iodine is also vital to thyroid function, as it is a major cofactor and stimulator for the enzyme TPO. But for the person with Hashimoto’s, supplementing with iodine is like throwing […]

The Big Five Stress Agents

You need to know that most of the fault for any failures you might be having comes at the hands of the BIG FIVE STRESS AGENTS: 1.  Big Myth – Poor information that continues to fool the public year after year, leading the unaware to poor choices about health, dieting, and fitness. 2.  Big Medicine […]

Do My Adrenals Make Me Look Fat?

Your walnut-sized adrenal glands, which sit on top of your kidneys, cannot distinguish among the various stresses that are present in your life — whether they are physical, mental, or emotional. The adrenals just pump out hormones to counteract stress — any stress! They are “fight or flight” hormones intended to serve us for short […]

Functional Medicine: Growing Support for Health in the 21st Century

Traditional Western medicine and its doctors are the finest in the world for dealing with acute care such as the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or short-duration illnesses in need of urgent care. For example, a traumatic car accident, appendicitis, or a broken leg. For such harrowing situations, I want conventional medicine in my corner! […]

So what’s an adrenal type to do?

Your adrenals didn’t go out of whack overnight, and they surely won’t get back into whack overnight. You don’t want to try balancing your endocrine system without professional support. The feedback messages between your adrenals, pituitary and hypothalamus are quite complex and are easily disturbed by uninformed tinkering. Please don’t try to go it alone. […]

Adrenal Hormones and Your Health

What Follows is an Example of What an “Adrenal” Patient Will Need to know in Order to lose Weight (Especially Fat).   First, let’s take stock. Have you had any of these in your life? Injury, pain, surgery, infection, illness, divorce, financial stress, job stress, poison ivy, giving birth, irritable people, starvation diets, the menstrual […]

5 Pillars of Optimized Health

Nervous System – This pillar of optimized health is really the master computer that controls every function in your body. When it’s out of sync, you’re out of sync. I show you ways to “re-boot” it for optimum performance and efficiency. This allows wellness care to become 95% self-care. You benefit by being able to […]

It’s probably not your GENES fault that your JEANS don’t fit!

Many aging myths need to be shattered. Even the impact of genetics on long-term health is now being turned on its head. For example, today we know that genetics only contributes about 3–5% of our longevity. The rest comes from life choices that affect how our genes behave under the conditions we hand them.   […]