Auto Immune System Attack!
I found a great explanation of the way your immune system can be attacked, written by Dr. Kharrazian. I wanted to share it with you
Stress, Hormones, & Belly FAT
It’s gut-wrenching for me to see a new patient walk into my wellness center who is too far gone for me to help them reverse
IODINE: Throwing Gasoline onto a Fire:
Iodine is a hot supplement these days. Many people and practitioners have come to value iodine’s therapeutic potential, especially for breast and uterine fibroids. Iodine
The Big Five Stress Agents
You need to know that most of the fault for any failures you might be having comes at the hands of the BIG FIVE STRESS
Is Chronic Pain Stealing Your Family Time?
Chronic pain is a thief! Today, I would like to talk to you about breaking free from chronic pain. There are so many different types
Are Your Adrenal Glands Stressed Out?!?
Working more than ever, multitasking to make ends meet, no sleep, and stressed out are common complaints a lot of people have on a daily
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Many people have heard of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but not many are as familiar with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. What is it? I’ll tell you. Inflammatory
Freedom From Fibromyalgia
I had the pleasure of sitting with one of patients yesterday who has suffered from Fibromyalgia for over 10 years. She is only 4 weeks
Talk To Friends and Family
Are you searching for a family doctor? Today, I want to give you a tip on finding the right doctor for you. It may be
Hormonal Problems and Thyroid Malfunction
If you’ve been experiencing hormonal problems, it may be due to your thyroid gland. The thyroid is a small, yet important glad in the neck